Install CUSP, 2019 OUTPOST Gallery Norwich

Untitled 2019, screen print on perspex

Embrace(ING) 2019, Screen print on plaster, perspex,steel

Untitled (Intimacy) 2016-present Sublimation print on aluminium

Cusp, 2019 Sublimation print on stainless steel mesh

Unbuttoned (Woman) 2018, screen print on aluminium

Cusp, 2019
Sublimation print on stainless steel mesh, aluminium frame
150cm x 95cm x 15cm
Cusp depicts a man and woman sitting close, the woman’s legs cross over slightly touching the man’s, capturing a private interaction between the two. The small gap between them becomes more prominent by the middle structure the mesh stretches behind sculpturally mimicking the intersection of two curves - what is known as the cusp. The work remains in a state of flux crossing over into different disciplines but never being fully situated into one category. By using photographs these act as a type of cusp, frozen in time, they suggest a moment that happened but also what will happen, only hinted at. This is made more apparent from the ever changing nature of the image on the mesh, appearing and disappearing as you walk round the piece inviting the viewer to interact with the image more personally and decide what the couple’s story is